Due to COVID-19, we are closed to the public. Remote services include YouTube workshops and FREE online learning with Skillup® America.

For Individual or Employer help, use the Job Hot Line at 884-744-8451

Enhanced Services

Access our workshops, recruitment events, and job fairs

Our Enhanced Services allow you access to our in-house workforce related , as well as any job fair and recruitment events we may hold.

Until further notice, CareerLink is closed to the public. ALL workshops and events are cancelled.

CareerLink Workshops

PA CareerLink® of Lancaster County offers a variety of workshops to help you enhance your skills to aid you in your job search.

Recruitment Events

PA CareerLink® of Lancaster County hosts recruitment events with local companies who cover a vast range of occupations.

Job Fairs

PA CareerLink® of Lancaster County hosts two large job fairs twice a year. We host approximately 80+ employers looking to hire.